Friday, October 06, 2006

Middle Tier Authentication Troubleshooting

Learned some new tricks troubleshooting the Novell ZENworks MiddleTier authentication infrastructure.
I had forgotten about some logs in c:\windows\system32\log files which can be very useful.
The logs can at least show that connections are being made and what is being accessed via IIS. The logs are IIS generated and are not ZEN specific. XTIER does report some logs to this directory. You can control XTIER logging with these following keys.

(MT) ZENworks Middle Tier Server logging on Windows servers is enabled in the registry

Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\XTier\Configuration\XTLOG
Name: Log-Error
Name: Log-Warning
Name: Log-Informational
Name: Log-Success
Type: DWORD Value
Data: 0 (Debug log file will NOT be written to)
Data: 1 (A new debug log file will be created each time with a unique name)

Output: %System Root%\System32\LogFiles\Xtier

I also found that packet traces are a big asset.

If you can authenticate to https://serverip/oneNet/nsadmin then the zenworks ZDM agent should be able to authenticate also.

Comments more than welcome as I left a lot out.